Falling (apart)

« The splendid thing
about falling apart
silently...is that
you can start over
as many times
as you like».
Sanober Khan, A Thousand Flamingos.
In these words, I dwell.
Learning to be skillful in falling is an important practice in the Art of living.
The Art of being Human, in its full humanity.
No need to deny or pretend (positive) emotions or that we have it all under control (#spiritualbypassing) as this is highly unlikely to be the truth, even for a yogi or anybody dedicated to the introspective journeys.
Falling (symbolically and at times physically) is bound to happen over and over.
Immense wisdom can emerge in these fountains of humility though.
It hurts, it can hurt so badly when we fall. I well know...
I always question myself: is there anything to explore in this? Can I be open to this too? Can I explore this too with the same sense of curiosity i would naturally have in easier times?
Sometimes I can.
Sometimes I cannot.
And c’est comme ça.
The process of falling is learning to be human in some ways.
No need to runaway.
Here, that’s right, here is always the space to explore.
Could we even stop our natural urge to transform immediately our falling into something else?
Because transforming is also bound to happen, in the same way we are bound to fall.
The contraction is always followed with an expansion, before the contraction happens again.
And it goes like that, around and around. Over and over.
The pulse of Life.
Hopefully in this process, these pulses (#spanda ) are absorbed, digested in their own pace, thanks to our sophisticated systems to help us with a new phase in our lives whatever this phase, moment, hour, second is.
It does not have to be positive or negative.
A pulse of Life does not have the color of polarity. It is, it just is.
No linearity. Instead circularity and spiraling.
The valleys exist because there are peaks.
That’s just Nature, our nature. Our humanity.
Yoga is probably also that radical acceptance.
Trust and be open to the falling is my practice.
In humility, I bow to the immensity of what I do not know. 🕊🤍🕊
📸 by my talented friend @axellea2l


The Truth of the body


Be confident in not knowing 🤍