My Vision

“Forget not that the Earth delights to feel your bare feet and the Wind longs to play with your hair

Khalil Gibran


Wander often. W O N D E R always. That could be the summary of the vision I hold for our (self) explorations on Earth.

Our body is the vehicle for our awakening. Through our embodied Self, we explore Life, navigating the outer terrain (in other words the experiences) in its textures, curves, hills and valleys, and exploring our inner landscape with the same sensitive beginner’s mind. Those mindful experiences have one purpose: to know the greatest thing there is to know, The Self. Your-Self.

Exploring the Self, through the movement, through non movement, through sacred texts or the wisdom of the Heart, is my forever passion. And I keep wondering how can we find greater ease in our Lives, in our bodies, in our hearts, in our minds; How can we know ourselves in all our frequencies and subtleties and profound magnitude of billions of years of star stuff conspiring to be ourselves? And…How can we can be in service, in support to one another on this quest, a quest for meaning (of Life) which unites us all.

Inquiry and Inclusion are the two main words as my “fil rouge” in all my explorations and contemplations.

Those are the questions which keep on inspiring me in my yoga and life explorations and teaching, trying to keep the questioning (and the quest) vibrant. Forever (self) inquiring on the mat, outside the mat, in my personal life or in my professional life is my commitment.

I am a genuine believer in the power of communities of sharing.

Communities gathering souls on similar paths and quests offer a beautiful base of support that helps us all expand our wings. In that spirit, I love offering community classes in settings where Yoga practices are not the most obvious or known. Yoga as a healing tool, as a stress mitigation method, a community building way to remind ourselves of the power of our collective Heart. Wherever I have lived and taught, I have had classes completely free or donation based, geared towards a humanitarian cause or a community, a person in need.

Solidarity is among my favorite words as it carries a sweet sol-ar energy into it, in other words, what human nature is capable of at its best and the most fabulous fuel of Life: Helping one another to live happier. There is no Yoga if this vibe is not nurtured. Wherever this flame is alive, there is Yoga, and it is not necessary on a yoga mat. Yoga is not a workout or a fancy pose. Yoga is an inside job expanding our capacity and ability to know, feel and act. It is finding the consciousness in us and in others and to tap into the currency of the universe, the energy of attraction that is called Love. This explains why you will see few asana postures as you glance my website as I aim to focus on the sensations we feel in a posture rather than the posture itself.

I am not a full time Yoga teacher. My classes are not “lalaland yoga”. My Yoga is radically authentic. It is joyous and messy at the same time, like Life.

I am like most people, having to juggle between various passions of life, having to work, duty travel, seeing uncomfortable truth of a world in crisis which puts me off balance, but also witnessing the miracles of Life bringing in me a forever faith in Humanity. Like you, I struggle to find greater balance, to go on my mat before or after work, as so exhausted. Like you, I age, seeing my body transform throughout the years, changing my practice as some postures become strangely harder. Like you, I cry, I despair, but also like you, I dream, I hope, I love. And, like you, I chose to show up on my mat most days, and I show up to my life and therefore to Life.

That’s the Vision I hold for you, for me, for us: To show up, every day, on a mat or not, curious about this experience we call Life. Together, with softer hearts, we are.
