Life is the dancer and you are the dance

« Life is the dancer and you are the dance ». My favorite quote these days. 

I so love those words from Eckhart Tolle, as I reflect on the way we navigate into our-Self, into ourselves, into Yoga.

In many ways, the Yoga practice is, nowadays, often pictured in the achievement of fancy poses. This always leaves me with a sense of discomfort, not that I do not enjoy doing fancy postures myself at times, but this is most likely not the ultimate Yoga invitation. It seems to be more about feeling our Embodiment, our soul dancing temporarily in a body. This is about dancing in yourSelf, to know yourSelf, repeatedly invited to explore how Life is moving through us. 

In a Yoga asana practice, this is not about how high your leg can be, about your handstand or your capacity to actually perform any pose but rather about how you feel when you move your body. What is happening when you create shapes? Any shape, allowing your body to fully express itself in its full divine & unique nature.

From our deep core, the womb of who we are, connected to the Universal womb of Creation, we radiate, co creating our dance, of our own life. 

Yoga asanas can be, (apart from their benefits on our system of course) the symbolism of Life taking all kinds of shapes like all the kinds of emotions & experiences we have as we move through our human Life.

Next time you step on a yoga mat, maybe enquire for yourself: why this shape? How do I feel in that shape, does it feel easeful to me? How can I explore this sensation deeper? How can I connect to all layers of mySelf and feel all the pathways of connectivity from my body to the Universal Body, etc... and, I could carry on writing as words are now dancing on this screen.

So, sweet ones, what is your Dance? Unique to you?

What form could it take, unique to you (not driven by your yoga mat neighbors or even your yoga teachers)? The dance of your magnetic Self...your Yoga. 

As this notion remains my forever favorite topic of yoga contemplations & explorations, I will yogateach this week around those themes, at @alive (Tuesday, 18:00 and 19:15) and at @yogaflame (Wednesday 19:45) as well as at the Global Health Campus (every Tuesday and Thursday at lunch time).

I just cannot wait to see your Dance. What Yoga is for you. On the mat or/and outside your yoga mat. See you around this week sweet yogi friend 😘✨💛. 


Yoga begins right where I am, not where I was yesterday or where I long to be


Equilibrium & Dance of Life