Discerning is dancing

These days, like many days over the past month, I have been marinating in the resonance of several words which occupy many of my reflexions. There is a particular one word which keeps banging at the door of my being (despite all the noise of my own mind, my readings, social media, opinions, theories, the various «truth», etc): « Viveka ».

What does Viveka mean?

Viveka is a Sanskrit term that can be translated as «right understanding», «wisdom» or «discrimination knowledge». It is the ability to differentiate between the real and unreal, eternal and temporary. This is a discriminative inquiry, intuitive Self ever present, and in other words, a spiritual practice of realising the Truth and the Soul.

What does it mean in practical terms? 🤔

How or why does this word keep hammering at the doorway of my soul? Why do I seem to marinate without any possibility of affirming anything?

Oneself’s truth seems to be made of forever physical, mental & spiritual ruminations or explorations, like a dancer searching for the movement that would bring aliveness & fullness...

In so many ways, that’s the only dance I am truly fascinated about. Exploring Truth, what could it mean? What is my own sense of Truth? What is your Truth? Is there a Universal Truth? How do we know? What is it?

And in the «dance», of Life, as we dive into the exploring of one’s truth, there is a dancer, companion in the dance who/which seems to confront, lift, widen, expand or contract, and that’s what we seem to refer as «discernement».

Emerges then, hopefully, a deep sense of knowing, welcoming what feels natural, easeful in the language of one soul, on our path, stripping away what does not seem to resonate or be helpful in or for our evolution.

Knowing what to welcome, knowing what to let go or drop seems to be the eternal invitation for our becoming, a step closer to our optimal blueprint.

Of course, as we arrive into the becoming, there is always a going away. As we feel we know, there is immediately after a non knowing to be further explored and discovered, using our own way of discerning what is then a new pathway for new revelations or insights, like a spirale forever trying to know itself, trying to understand where is the beginning and where is the ending. This is true for our physical, spiritual and intellectual wonderings and wanderings.

That’s, undoubtedly, the explorations I feel the most passionate about, using the body as my main language when words cannot be revealed yet.

For my beloved yogis interested in sharing a yoga practice (Wednesday at 19:00 at @yogaflame), that’s the type of invitation we will offer ourselves to explore...From your/our trillions of cells that make you/me, how could this you/we find the seat of this deep knowing, unique to you since there is only one like you? From this place of enquiry (that is Yoga), we unfold into Truth, ours. No doubt that this will happen if we try a tiny bit as we are truly designed to explore and find that uniqueness and aliveness residing in the Self..

Sweet explorations to all! 

With (discerning) love 🌸✨


Human beings, polarity, the myth of Plato


And, I rest