A human being on a bench...

One day, walking around the Geneva Lake, I came across this sculpture, and I got profoundly moved by the emotions I could perceive. Maybe those emotions were mirroring aspects of myself, and aspects of us all. Don’t we often have those moments, especially in those winter days, where we feel quite low, or in doubt, deeply contemplative?

That’s actually the exact nature of winter: the invitation to feel, to turn the gaze inward, focus(IN) inwardly, div(IN)g maybe a bit deeper that usual....feeling, sensing...into all aspects of the Self. Some parts of our Being are bright, some less and, interestingly, it seems always like a forever discovery each time we meet some of those emotions. Yet, we are invited to accept them all, as part of the duality we call Life. According to the sacred texts, that’s actually why we came on Earth for and embodied the Human shape: to feel that spectrum of emotions & experiences. In yoga, we call it the « hero’s journey », our journey.

What are Emotions? Couldn’t we consider an emotion as a manifestation of Life moving though us, in constant motion? I like that idea a lot, emotions as kind of guests passing through us, visiting, but not defining who we are. They just need to be experienced like any other experience. 
It is, nonetheless difficult, as we tend to identify ourselves with emotions, be wonderful, be awful. ✨
It does take time & practice to meet & welcome all emotions, as opportunities to keep on soul-learning & exploring. Personally, when I am able to embody emotions fully, a doorway to yet another layer of my(Self) seems to open.
Moving outwardly and inwardly...in order to « floss » the resistances, which prevent the state of Flow, our natural state of Being.
If you fancy sensing, putting what is there into (e)motion, let’s yoga practice together this week? 🤩Yoga is addition of energy, strength and beauty to body, mind and soul, so what else? ✨
Exploring will be at @alive_geneva(Tuesday, 18:00 & 19:15) and at @yogaflamestudio (Wednesday 19:45) AND 🤩, for at @shanticlubgeneva for a Yin&Sound workshop (Friday 18:30). ✨

Let’s get things moving...

Sweet week to you all 😘✨💛.

Human being on a bench.JPG

The shapes of the Body


Yoga begins right where I am, not where I was yesterday or where I long to be