The space in between
« The person who is not disturbed by happiness & distress and is steady in both, is certainly eligible for liberation », Bhagavad Gita.
Those words, from the sacred Gita’s scriptures, hit me today. Recently, I have felt drawn by aspects of my past and as I look back, I also see my present...what made the « me » of today. And I wonder how the future could unfold. And here, right here, I have to catch myself!
You see, it is very tempting to drag our past (and associated stories) into our present (subconsciously mainly), as there is somehow a taste of the « known » and in the process, we bring along our old patterns which maybe we have been trying to change, our opinions, our emotions as well as the « stories » instead of the teachings. The value in looking back holds value in the teaching not the story itself.
It struck me again how attached I can be with certain emotions, dismissing to feel some while thriving with almost a sense of addiction on some others...But, the life Path is about honoring & feeling everything but without being too attached to them or to the stories which tend to come with the emotions we feel.
As a forever dreamer, spending hours on dreaming, I forget at times that the point of dreaming is about the process itself instead of the actual story I imagine. And I catch myself, similarly with any emotion, like anger or fear we all get to experience on the palette of human emotions. The actual cause which led to the emotion is what we should aim at detaching from, not the emotions themselves. All causalities are our stories we continuously create in our amazingly creative minds.
And what if there was a path in the middle where past nourishes the present bringing wings to a future not yet around? Present for Presence, as the ultimate feeling that is to be felt in our aliveness.
Our ego minds long for polarities in our dual world which forever creates constant oppositions in emotions: romantic love is truly felt when being broken hearted is known, joy is felt even more as we know the taste of sorrows, etc, white color can be seen because we see black, round shape exists because there is a triangle shape, opinions for something exist because there are also opinions against that same thing, etc...Duality is the Earth experience but hopefully in deep parts of each of us, we well know that this separation is part of the « game »... also called «lila » or illusion. Yet we spend our lives getting attached to those perceptions. The Eternal self, the eternal You well knows that there is never any opposition in anything as everything is One and everything is needed to feel Union.
But, we keep forgetting. I keep forgetting.
So the invitation is about remembering what we already know.
I long for, I celebrate the path of the middle, that GAP in between.
I well know that many would say that this is the easiest journey as it does not require any clear positioning but it is probably the hardest journey as requiring to drop preconceived ideas about how things should be, how our emotions should feel, etc..In this process, there is immense space created to BE & FEEL, in freedom (without societal or personality based conditioning).
That is the path of the « liberated souls », Jivamukta, which calls my deepest attention & fascination, as I contemplate on how I could give more space in myself.
And in this liberation process, as I even write those words, I feel greater vastness in my heart, as less confined in the contractions of the past, stories, opinions, judgement I/we, subconsciously or not, hold. In that space, the IN BETWEEN, there is a world of compassion where empathy & sympathy meet.
And I long for this space in between, for me, for you, for the world, for us all. I will meet you there. 🌷🌸🧚