Maeva Fages

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Movement is something we are, not something we do

If only we could drop the idea or need that we «have» to «do» a yoga pose, to comply with what we are told as «the Truth» even if it does not feel right in the body (and all its layers)?
And what if we could mindfully drop the «performing» we all tend to do at times (in & out the yoga mat) to be either loved, accepted, comply, promoted or cover some kind of wound we may all have?
It is so hard. I know.
We do seem to be conditioned to hold those performing masks and be/do «better», whatever this «better» can mean.
And how hard can it be to perform the role of «You» that is actually far from the ease of being You?
I know this feeling so deeply myself... so intimately.
And, I am learning.
I am learning that there is no « better » and in the process, I am learning to drop some of these performing veils which can be so sticky.
On the yoga mat (as always the allegory of the « spirit » we tend to nourish in our lives), this would mean performing (and at times pushing into) a pose to make it once again « better » (argh!), instead of allowing the pose to unfold in the way that is safe and auspicious (and ultimately, true) for you. We perform a pose instead of actually embodying it. A vast difference, right?
Your alignment, your « truth » are unique to you, as much as my alignment & truth are unique to me.
There is never one way.
Yet , sometimes it feels like there is only one way, in Life, in discussions, at work, in relationships, in yoga classes.
Life seems to be a play or a living theatre where we all get a role to play. And I dream for us to have a «role» that is giving us the space to BE, to be the soul we are meant to explore, not somebody’s or society’s projections.
I do not always know how to connect to those easeful feelings of being in alignment to myself, so i tend to let it happen. C’est tout.
No control....Unfold instead.
I must say that I can now feel greater awareness of when I perform a role or a yoga pose that is not authentic to me, where there is the controlling voice of me getting louder. And...there is a bit of a gap created between the « performing » me and the more « absolute» me.
I notice it more and more actually.
Sometimes such awareness and gap created would just stay as awareness but often it can evolve towards greater authentic flow.
My constant personal mantra recipe?
Allow, allow, allow.
Let everything be felt. Just that, as I am not sure there is actually much more to « do » in order to « be ».
The Truth of You is in your body. Always.
Lovingly. 🌬🤍