Maeva Fages

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I am a Yogini, and I scream

This photo, this photo...🌟 What can I say?

This picture says it all...symbolizing immensely well what seems to happen in me lately, and in many of us, most likely.

What can be revealed from the depth of the Soul? What needs to surface these days, from the deep core of our essence?
What could be expressed and, the resonance of « un cri », of a scream?

That’s what I feel when I contemplate this picture: a urge to speak up. To speak up on my anxieties, my fears, my hopes, my anger, my disillusions, my craving for an harmonious life, in & out, everywhere, for everybody. Not for some privileged ones, for everybody!

What is banging at the door of my « small » self to be revealed freely to the « higher » self? Beyond the perceived self and conditioning and history we all have, I keep wondering as I sit in silence, in my contemplations. Anger! Anger is what seems to be that lingering feeling inhabiting my soul for a while now.

These days, we seem to be invited to de-confine our brains, expand & de-condition ourselves from what we think we know or knew. Today, this is about supporting,in kindness one another, even if we differ in opinions, regardless if you believe that 5G caused Covid-19 or not, regardless of gender, regardless of race, regardless of preferences in food or in yoga styles.

I am angry, and wow, I now write it loud. 
I am angry with the non sense I read or hear at times, I am angry at those racist acts which need to be eradicated the same way as we are trying to eradicate polio, I am angry at all the polarities I see and the lack of nuances I increasingly see which are a real danger to the harmonious living together vision which we all cherish to thrive for. I am angry at the rising of all kinds of extreme thinking & acts...I am angry, and yes, I am also a yogi.

Being a yogi does not mean to sit in a lotus position all day & be peace and love only. Being a yogi does not mean that we are not confronted like everybody to our inner & all the outer/ societal demons. Being a yogi is about feeling it ALL though...confronting what needs to be seen, without looking to the side. Being a yogi is having the courage to keep on unknowing so that new revelations can emerge. Being a yogi is about acting & speaking up when the times require it. And today is again the time.

In the yoga mythology, there is a goddess I like a lot, named Kali. She is the one that does not buy any non sense. She dismantles what needs to be dismantled and she clearly takes a stand. She is brought in to play when decisive action is required, when dark deeds must be matched with dark deeds, when resolve must be shown. As i searched for Her this week, I found many pictures of her depicted as a powerful black color goddess, right foot forward to indicate the correct spiritual path, with her right hands displaying the gestures of fearlessness and blessing and, her left holding the sword and severed head. She is ready.

I am Kali. We are all Kali. We can all be Kali when needed. Ready to cut the non sense, racism, injustice, and whatnot when arising.

To this urge to act and speak up, I bow. 🙏✨